
This group of settings deal with domain specific information.


Settings: Domain-Main

  • Name
    The name of your domain, as you want it appear in your copyright statement and other texts. It is globally available as either “{[domain]}” (clickable) or “{[doname]}” (not clickable) system variable. This means that instead of writing your domain's name verbatim, you can (and should) use these variables so that whenever you change this field, it will be automatically changed in every place you have written it.
  • Email Bounce
    An email address, used for the “Return-Path” header in mails sent to your users.
    Use a plain email address, do not put your name in it.
  • Email From
    An email address, used for the “From” header in mails sent to your users.
    Use a plain email address, do not put your name in it.
  • Email To
    Your personal email address, where you want to receive messages from your contact form, as well as other system notifications.
    Use a plain email address, do not put your name in it.
  • Web Skins
    The skin(s) to be used in your site's frontend. See below for the supported syntax.
  • ACP Skins
    The skin(s) to be used in your site's backend. See below for the supported syntax.
  • Langs
    A comma separated list of ISO 639-1 language codes, which correspond to the available localized versions of your content. You must have your content written in those languages. The system will not translate it for you. It is not recommended that you add or change languages after your site is published and indexed by the search engines.
  • Google Map Zoom
    The system can generate a google static map, wherever you want (usually in a contact page), by entering: “{{google_static_map}}”. The coordinates of the map's center is given in the following fields. Here, you enter a zoom level, as required by google maps API.
  • Longitude
    The longitude of your domain's physical location (~your company's address).
  • Latitude
    The latitude of your domain's physical location.
  • Locale
    A list of localization variables and their values:
     MeaningPossible values
    dirtext directionltr or rtl
    ntsNumber Thousand Separatora dot, a comma, etc
    ndsNumber Decimal Separatora dot, a comma, etc
    cnCurrency Nameeuro, usd, etc
    csCurrency Symbol, $, etc
    luLength Unitmm, cm, etc
    wuWeight Unitgr, kg, etc


Settings: Domain-HTML

  • Title
    The format of a page title. Use %s as a placeholder for the actual title (it will be replaced by the program).
  • Copycenter
    The text displayed at the bottom-center of a page.
  • Copyleft
    The text displayed at the bottom-left of a page.
  • Copyright
    The text displayed at the bottom-right of a page.
  • HTML End of Head
    Whatever your enter here, will be included in the generated HTML, just before “</head>”.
  • HTML End of Body
    Whatever your enter here, will be included in the generated HTML, just before “</body>”.

Specifying Web and ACP Skins

You can have more than one skin and/or style combinations, active on your site. If you do, your visitors will be able to choose among them. However, this is not recommended, unless your site is a live demo of skin design. The choice of several skins takes away your site's character and personality, plus it makes it more time consuming to design and maintain. There is, however, an arguable exception to this recommendation: if you run a forum, where your members are expected to spend a lot of time reading, you could have a unique layout with alternative light and dark backgrounds (or high and medium contrast), because readability and eyestrain are the most popular complaints among community users.

The accepted entry syntax in the skin fields is:

skin1[ [.style11|...|style1N.logo1],...,skinN[.*.logoN] ]

The following rules apply:

  • You may enter one skin or more. If more than one skins are entered, they must be separated by comma.
  • For each skin entered, you can (optionally) specify one or more styles of that skin, plus an alternative logo. You do not need to enter both a style and a logo, if it is only the style that you want to enter.
  • Use a dot after the skin name, to enter one or more styles. User a dot after the style(s) to enter a logo id.
  • Styles are separated by the pipe symbol.
  • If there is no style specified, all available styles of the particular skin are used. If you want to specify all styles (in order to enter a logo) then you may use the asterisk as wildcard.
  • A logo id is the unique numeric identifier assigned to every image uploaded. You can look at your “Upload” table to find that out.
  • As soon as you specify more than one skin - or - a single skin with more than one style, you are giving your visitors a choice!

Suppose that you have installed one skin, named “blueLagoon”, with three styles: “tirkouaz”, “veraman” and “navy”. Thus, you now have two skins available, default and blueLagoon, with a variety of style combinations. Here are a few example entries:

  • You want the tirkouaz version of blueLaggon as the sole style of your site (users cannot choose)
    You enter: blueLagoon.tirkouaz
  • You want two styles of blueLaggon, with your default logo
    You enter: blueLagoon.tirkouaz|navy
  • You want two styles of blueLaggon but with a different logo
    You enter: blueLagoon.tirkouaz.2,blueLagoon.veraman.15
  • You want all available skins and styles, with a common logo
    You enter: default,blueLagoon
  • You want the default skin with your default logo, plus all styles of blueLagoon with another logo
    You enter: default,blueLagoon.*.17

As mentioned above, if you specify more than one skin/layout/style combination, the system will populate all available choices for your visitors to choose. How the style chooser will display and function, depends on the skin design. Usually it is a simple select box, but it can also be a popup dialog with a style preview, etc.

If these fields are left empty, the system uses their default values, which are: default and desktop respectively as the skin names, * (asterisk) for all available styles, and 2 (two) as the logo id.

(C) Nick B. Cassos - All Rights Reserved
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