Table Export

Loop: Table Export This loop allows you to export any table in your database to various output formats.

The following fields are available:

  • Table
    Select the table you want to export.
  • Columns
    Write the columns (comma delimited) you want to be exported, or leave it empty for all columns.
    You can see the columns of a table via the Schema desktop icon.
  • Filter
    Write a condition for selecting particular rows, or leave it empty for all rows.
    This will be used as the WHERE clause of the SELECTing query.
  • Order
    Write a sorting order or leave it empty for unordered (physical) access.
    This will be used as the ORDER BY clause of the SELECTing query.
  • Convert
    Chose whether you want timestamps and/or user ids to be automatically converted to date times and user names respectively.
  • Format
    Select the output format. If you select “Custom” then the following options apply, otherwise you can ignore them.
  • Custom Delimiter
    Chose a column delimiter, in case of a custom output format.
  • Custom Qualifier
    Chose a string column qualifier, in case of a custom output format.
  • Custom New Line
    Chose a row delimiter, in case of a custom output format.
  • Custom Extension
    Chose a file extension, in case of a custom output format.

Be aware of the fact that a big HTML output file can bring your browser to its knees or even crash it!

The loop itself (therefore your server) can handle any size, because tables are read and written in chunks. But as soon as the loop finishes, your server will send the output file to your browser. If it is anything else than HTML, you will be offered the option to download it. That is safe... But if it is an HTML file, your browser will want to display it. In order to do that it has to first fully load it into your computer's memory and then loop through every row and column to calculate cell dimensions...

How big is “big”? Unfortunately we cannot tell... It depends on the table and your system's configuration. A few thousands rows will probably be safe, but beyond that it's the twilight zone!

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