
Molds This icon is a link to the Phrase grid (found under the Database menu), but with a search filter applied, so that only phrases related to molds are listed.

A mold is a special phrase type, used as a template for creating various personalized messages and texts. They accept a number of named fields (enclosed in %) which are evaluated at runtime.

The following molds come as default:

The page displayed when you click on your toolbar. Fields available are whatever is used in the default mold.
The email sent immediately after a successful user registration.
Fields available:
  • all columns of the User table
  • actiLink    (a personalized activation link)
The email sent after a successful contact form submission.
Fields available:
  • user
  • email
  • name
  • message
  • ip
The post created by your site's bot, according to your Community settings, whenever a multiple login is detected.
Fields available:
  • all columns of the User table
  • _user       (the currently logged in account)
  • _users      (other accounts used in the past, by same user)
The post created by your site's bot, according to your Community settings, whenever a user reports another post (using the relative link, found in a topic listing).
Fields available:
  • all columns of the Post table
  • sitemapId   and
  • Title       from the Article table
  • _reportedBy (reporting user's id)
  • _report     (the report text)
  • _breadcrumb (the path to the reported topic)
  • _postUrl    (the reported post's URL)
  • _quotedPost (the reported post, quoted)
The personalized about-like text, found in user profiles. This mold is additionally parsed by zoglair's HTML template parser, so you can use conditional statements, expressions, other phrases, etc.
Fields available: Too many to be listed here! Please, have a look at the default text (or source code), to get an idea...
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