
ACP Database Menu This menu lists (in alphabetical order) all database tables that are active on your domain. Clicking on any of them, you will be presented with a grid, a matrix of row and columns analogue to the table's structure.

Every grid, no matter what table it displays, looks and functions similarly. Knowing how to work with any of them, is just like knowing them all. Here are a few common characteristics you should have in mind:

  • Grids not only display tables but also allow you to work with them, through one or more actions: some of them applicable to single rows (such as update and delete), while others to tables on their whole (such as insert and search).
  • Row actions are accessible through a popup menu, displayed with a Right-Click on the row of interest. The first one listed there (which can be the only one), is also directly executed when clicking on the row, without the need to go through the popup menu. In most cases, the first action is “Update”, unless the grid was called from a form field where an ID is required. In that case, “Select” will be first, so that you can easily select a row with a single click.
  • Table actions are accessible through buttons, displayed on the caption bar next to the common window handling buttons.
  • Row handling (insert, update and delete) is done via tabbed interfaces, called forms. The first tab is always named “Main”, purely as a convention (it doesn't necessarily mean that it is special). The last tab (except when inserting) is always named “Auto”, because it contains fields (~columns) that are filled automatically by the system. Depending on the table, there may be other tabs in between.

Following is a description of all stock zoglair tables. If you don't see any of them in your ACP menu, it means that you are not using it. If there is a table in your menu that it's not listed here, it means that it is used by an addon!

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