Me, myself & zoglair

When I was younger... Hello, fellow webizens!

My name is Nick B. Cassos and this is the home of my beloved, full-time project, zoglair. You may notice that, throughout the documentation, I use the first plural person pronoun (we), instead of the singular one (I). That was the subject of a brainstorm, actually, as there were pros and cons to both cases. I decided to stay with plural, just in case that this project flies and I manage to get a team behind it. Then, I wouldn't have to go through all the texts and change their syntax!

Well, for the time being it's just me. I hope that this does not dissuade you from using the product, but i cannot pretend to be something that I am not.

A few words about me

I was born in Athens - Greece, and I am dealing with computers since the age of 15. My first language was the machine one, and the second was assembly. I have made at least one application in every major language and script. My last desktop project - before I completely switch to the web side - was a 7 year big one in C++ (a network real-time backup and monitoring Client-Server application).

I built my first web site back in 1996 and - amazing as it is - that site still exists, almost as I left it one year later!

A few words about it

It was born in 2005 after my last unsuccessful attempt in finding a platform that suited my needs and taste. I remember my surprise (and uber happiness) when google returned 0 (zero) matches for the term zoglair! Needless to say, I registered my domains in a heart bit.

Unfortunately, it took me a ...bit longer than I was initially anticipating, to publish my idea of an ideal CMS. During these years a lot have changed and my basic concept of a platform that would have at least the most popular web applications integrated (and not in the form of extensions), has already two representatives, albeit both of them are forum-centric.


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